The Ultimate Performance Solution
Full Range Of Tests And Exercises
The range of applications possible with Quantum Syncro are practically endless. Utilizing the 5 meter (15 feet) cable lengths, any horizontally or diagonally loaded exercise is easy to implement. This includes lunges, pushes, pulls and rotations using hand grips, or attaching the cable on a hip belt or vest for specific loading patterns.
Single or repetitive jumps may be performed by selecting the desired cable angle and connecting the athlete to a hip belt.
Vertical displacement exercises such as squats and presses are easily performed with the smith bar using the force capacity from both machines simultaneously.
The Force Plate With Resistance
Do you have a force plate with resistance? Now you will. A force plate can measure vertical and horizontal force with great accuracy but it cannot load the system. Set up the 1080 Quantum for vertical jumps and measure force and speed characteristics at different loads. Use the measurements to evaluate max effort in single jumps or the speed and power endurance over a series of jumps. Easy, practical and very useful.
1080 Quantum Overview
This video demonstrates the range of possibilities with 1080 Quantum
Specifications of 1080 Quantam Syncro
- 2-50 kg (2-110 lbs) of continuous concentric load + bar and weights
- 1-60 kg (2-132 lbs) of continuous eccentric load + bar and weights
- 2-100 kg (4-220 lbs) of continuous concentric load + bar and weights with Gear 2
- 2-120 kg (4-265 lbs) of continuous eccentric load + bar and weights with Gear 2
- Maximum con/ecc load, with bar/no weights, during 3 seconds: 175 kg (386 lbs), 325 kg (717 lbs) with Gear 2
- Concentric velocity: 0.1–8 m/s (0.3-26 ft/s)
- Eccentric velocity: 0.1–6 m/s (0.3-20 ft/s)
- In Gear 2 maximum speed is halved
- Recorded frequency of force, speed and power: 333 Hz
- Tablet with touch screen interface or laptop
- Operating system: Windows 10
- Weight: 180 kg (400 lbs) each column
- Body height: 1.7 m (5.6 ft)
- Max cable travel: 5 m (16 ft)